A casino is a place where people can gamble and play games of chance. Many casinos also offer hotels, restaurants and non-gambling entertainment. Casinos are usually large, beautifully decorated buildings with a wide variety of games and activities. Some are even designed to be fun for entire families.
Gambling in some form has been practiced by almost every society throughout history. Modern casino gaming began in the United States in the late nineteenth century, when a series of changes to state laws made it possible for privately owned and operated gambling clubs to operate legally. The Hippodrome, built over a hundred years ago in London, England, is one of the best-known and most famous casinos in the world.
Today, casinos have become extremely sophisticated and profitable enterprises. They are often located in areas with high income populations, and they target high-income customers with extravagant inducements. Big bettors, or “high rollers,” are pampered with free spectacular entertainment, luxurious living quarters and even limousine and airline service. Other players, referred to as “regulars,” are offered comps such as free drinks and cigarettes while gambling.
Security is a key element of any casino operation. Casinos generally use a combination of physical security forces and specialized surveillance departments to protect patrons and property. They may also restrict access to certain areas by card or key tag. There are even some casinos that do not allow players to have food or drink on the casino floor, because it can distract them from the gambling experience.